Welcome to St Laurence’s
St Laurence Church is the Anglican parish church that has been serving the centre of Catford in south-east London since 1888.
We are open for Sunday worship, and also for private prayer during the week most days during daylight hours. All are welcome.
Sunday services
8am Holy Communion
10am sung eucharist with hymns
Lent at St Laurence’s
Ash Wednesday: March 5th – masses at 10.30am and 6pm (sung).
Preachers for Lent
Lent 1, March 9th: Fr Chris Henriette, pioneer minister
at Good Shepherd, Lee
Lent 2, Fr David Vyvan, vicar of St Saviour Brockley
Lent 3, Fr Sam Dennis, vicar of St Luke’s Church, Woodside
Mothering Sunday this year is March 30th.
We will celebrate with a family mass, with our Scouts and children from Rushey Green School.
Lent 5, Fr Grant Bolton-Debbage, Vicar of All Saints, New Cross
St Laurence’s on-line
We livestream the eucharist on Facebook, Twitch and Youtube every Sunday at 10am. Do join us. We also have an Instagram profile and Twitter.
To download a copy of the Sunday service booklet, please click here.
Subscribe to our newsletter
To subscribe to our e-newsletter, and keep in touch with all our events and news, please click here
Parish prayer list
Available here
Keeping in touch
Subscribing to our social media channels and the email newsletter are the best ways of keeping up to date with information from your church.
Places to find our postings:
Facebook: Go to Facebook, search for St Laurence Catford (@stlaurenceSE6). You do not have to have a Facebook account to watch videos etc on Facebook so anyone can view our services without logging in.
Twitter: Our Twitter account is @StLSE6. Just follow for regular updates
WhatsApp: Please ask to be added to the group via the parish offfice.
YouTube: Go to your web browser and search for YouTube. Once you are in YouTube, search for St Laurence Catford to reach our page. If you subscribe you will be notified every time something is posted. YouTube is also available on some smart TVs.
* Instagram: our profile is stlaurencechurchcatford
Copies of the 2023/4 annual report are available here
To donate, please click here
In this church, we aim to keep everyone safe. To find a copy of the parish safeguarding policy and procedures, please click here
To contact the Diocesan safeguarding team, and for further information, please click here